
Stone Legion Generals. Heroic.

Thank goodness for… nerfs? Superior knowledge of venn diagrams, I guess? We had 5 total wipes across two days before we got our first kill. Oh boy, was it a classic Kinetic kill too. It’s much more fun to sacrifice a majestic cow and clench the collective butthole of the raid to see if we can manage to take down the final 6% after all.

This closes our first official-ish Illidan raid week. That’s right, folks, nearly all of us are back together on one server again. For those scoring at home, Viri is now Drviri, Mishima is now Mishhima, and Stallone is now Rudeboy. Want to know who “Purple Layla” is? Another story for another day. We do still have some hold outs *cough* Polinator *cough* to peer pressure… there’s plenty of time for that!

Kinetic. Of Illidan. Casual in raid time only. 9/10H. There were some really good Sire Denathrius pulls (like 5 out of 14? 4 of the last 5?), so maybe “week 2” in a new city will reap some additional rewards.

For now, pop over to Saji’s Twitch channel and give him a follow before watching a throwback first kill:

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Sludgefist. Heroic.

We did what we said we wouldn’t do as filthy casuals: raid a third day. We had three or so sub 5% pulls on Wednesday before calling it and the stars aligned to allow most of us to play one more night.

The first pull looked like we would be rewarded only to have a classic Kinetic .7% wipe. We did kill it on the next pull. This afforded us some good pulls on Stone Legion Generals thanks to a Sleepytime doppelgänger named… Sleepytree. Thank you kind sir. I hope you and Sajia have all sorts of weird druid babies together now that you each have professed your love.

We are now 8/10H.

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Lady Inerva Darkvein. Heroic.

Hi friends — welcome to a special edition of an upgraded Great Vault item! Yes, this kill makes us 7/10H. I am sort of burying the whole story down in the Council of Blood post, so you’ll just have to read that one as well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

We only wiped once and that was because we forgot about the whole bouncing bottle situation. Oops. I don’t really have much to say except this: did you see that recruitment post you conveniently scrolled by? Last I checked, you didn’t message us to join… get on that. We want to do Mythic… and also beat “that guild” to Heroic Sire (they killed Stone Legion yesterday). They are 9/10H now. Probably too late for that, but join us anyways.

Reminder to like/subscribe/etc to Saji’s Twitch as he provided us with this kill video:

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Council of Blood. Heroic.

Mashanu, dear friend, if you are reading this: you were right. Going into Heroic with 10-12 people is not fun. We knew this, but we now REALLY know this. We decided to PUG a few people to get to a 2/3/9 raid composition and uh… good things happened.

First of all, I have to stop and thank our Layla boss mods for a heavy assist. She judged all applicants harshly, but fair. I learned that Ragnaros was not only a dumb end boss, but also a shitty server. Sorry for your luck there ole chap. Second, we one shot Artificer…. and third, well, I hope you aren’t shocked to now know we killed the Council of Blood.

It wasn’t a one shot by any means, but we had some fantastic input on going back to a kill order we had only tried once. Thank goodness for killing Freida last. Also many thanks to our PUGs for being patient and helpful with feedback.

Oh, and, look at that sexy Tauren living in 2006 with all that Dreadnaught. That shit can legally drive with an accompanying adult.

Reminder to like/subscribe/etc to Saji’s Twitch as he provided us with this kill video:

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Artificer XyMox. Heroic.

Seeds and traps and withering touch… oh my! It really wouldn’t be a good Artificer pull without Vuduz stepping into a trap. He survived this one and so did us (well mostly…). We killed the damn thing and that’s what’s important. Well that and we get to skip most of these bosses on Normal now that we finished the quest.

Kinetic in its continued hybrid server glory is now 5/10H in Castle Nathria. For context, a once server first and top 100ish US or World guild (depending on the content) has managed to make the Top 50. For Horde. On Frostmane. But, like, wut everman im liek alch90, ok? shows the casual nature of this situation. again.

I decided to check-in on my fake nemesis guild and it appears they are now 8/10H. According to, they killed Sludgefist/Council on Sat 1/23, Sun King/Artificer on Wed 1/13, and Lady Inerva on Tues 1/12.

Reminder to like/subscribe/etc to Saji’s Twitch as he provided us with this kill video:

Totally disregard what happens at 3:12 as the healers watch my health expire (ignore that I didn’t use Unending Resolve, but at the same time give me credit for using a healthstone)

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Sun King’s Salvation. Heroic.

I suppose it had to happen eventually. We wiped to the Sun King’s Salvation encounter for the first time. Hopefully it’s the last time until a theoretical world in which we increase our numbers to run Mythic content. In case my wording was not clear enough, we killed it on the next pull and we collected purples. In my case, I traded my purples to Vuduz (something about BIS). With this, we moved to 4/10H for Castle Nathria. I feel confident it isn’t a spoiler to say we weren’t done for the night since you had to scroll past the other post to get to this one.

For your inconvenience, here is the kill from Saji’s Twitch (like/subscribe/etc)

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Shriekwing. Normal.

So we sort of did a thing last night. Nothing terribly special by current day standards or previous Kinetic standards, but a thing nonetheless. Nerv called dibs on MT. Former enhance shaman Killrog turned Monk? Yeah, OT. Two healers who are playing WoW for the first time? Sure. A majestic MFer clinging to his warrior and a terrible fury spec? Why not! The list goes on (sorry Stirno, Kalinaj Hads, Flaile Hints, Piusx Mikey, Zeitgeist Baddate… I ran out of semi-witty things to say).

Kinetic killed something that has happened in PUGs already. We killed Shriekwing on normal. But damn it was fun. We then wiped on Huntsman graciously for a bit before calling it very calmly at our regularly scheduled ending time. Is this casual raiding? Not bad.

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