
Shriekwing. Normal.

So we sort of did a thing last night. Nothing terribly special by current day standards or previous Kinetic standards, but a thing nonetheless. Nerv called dibs on MT. Former enhance shaman Killrog turned Monk? Yeah, OT. Two healers who are playing WoW for the first time? Sure. A majestic MFer clinging to his warrior and a terrible fury spec? Why not! The list goes on (sorry Stirno, Kalinaj Hads, Flaile Hints, Piusx Mikey, Zeitgeist Baddate… I ran out of semi-witty things to say).

Kinetic killed something that has happened in PUGs already. We killed Shriekwing on normal. But damn it was fun. We then wiped on Huntsman graciously for a bit before calling it very calmly at our regularly scheduled ending time. Is this casual raiding? Not bad.

Original Screenshot



If you are reading this, you are probably surprised the website is working. If that’s you: hey join us in Discord!

A few of the old timers + some new friends (or spouses in some cases) are roaming around doing mythical things back on Frostmane. A few of us have been lucky enough to craft our BIS-ish legendaries and some are waiting for the appropriate memory to drop.

The pandemic is still going strong, so you might as well re-sub for a bit 🙂


Happy Birthday, Kinetic

While I was finishing quests to unlock Highmountain Tauren last week, I had a thought: is this still the same Kinetic it always was? In that moment, I typed /ginfo and hit Enter. Sure enough, the reply from the server was that the guild was formed on October 19th, 2005.

It seems as though the actual “birthday” for the guild has been celebrated differently through the years. I wonder if someone has the original Frostmane All-Stars guild on their account somewhere. After all, I still have Potential (remember when low level twink PVP was a thing? is it still?), Force of Will, and Dairy Farmers on my account.

Regardless of the day, though, it still amazes me that Kinetic exists in some fashion. As we wait for Shadowlands, I know it will likely not be the progression juggernaut it once was. Still, I am happy to login when I am able and have that tag next to my name.

On another note, I still would like to get some help with WotLK, Cataclysm, and MoP build out (was Kinetic a thing during WoD or Legion??). I don’t really have any social media, so why not join the Kinetic Discord as I’m currently just hanging out there by myself.


The updates begin.

Thanks to Hekter, who now goes by Hektor on WoW Classic server Whitemane, I have been following an alliance guild named Lion’s Share full of familiar Frostmane names from both factions.

AQ opened on that server this week and they fully cleared the instance in one day. Sheesh. I have uploaded kill shots for BWL and AQ that I had. I am attempting to restore an old database in an attempt to find more narrative behind our progress all those years ago. I hope to have most of Vanilla covered by our 15th anniversary in October. Please keep the comments coming if you see this!


Guess who’s back?

Hello there. You may know me as Mishima, The Majestic One, the BEST warrior on Frostmane, the Hamburgler, or, simply, Charlie. While I didn’t want to resurrect a database containing a years worth of forum drama, I did have the itch to put the rest of this place back together. I will likely need help, so please reach out to me.